SAFETY FOLLOWS WISDOM: A concept expressed on a relief sculpture I discovered when pandemic protocols changed my errand routine. A concept that was questioned in debates about preventive measures, despite the rising death toll. The yellow printing refers to the road markings on the wide avenue in my childhood neighborhood, denoting a pedestrian safety zone.
These Times
2020 Virtual Members' Exhibition
Claire Marcus
Claire Marcus has a special interest in landscape and the stories it evokes. She combines photography, printmaking, and drawing in book structures. Marcus holds an MFA in painting and BA in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. Her work has been shown nationally and internationally.

4" x 3" x 22"
Digital photographs, relief prints, accordion structure, Strathmore paper masu box
While sheltered at home, I have enlarged this series in progress using materials at hand. This example of a Steelscape book builds on simpler photo zines that address the nearby Bethlehem Steel site, an evolving location I have studied over time. I find reassurance in this continuing work process during these unsettled times.

7" x 5" x 2"
Digital photographs of the Bethlehem Steel site in hardcover book structure with map-folded pop up